Woodworm Treatment

Identification and Treatment of Wood Destroying Insects (Woodworm)
There are three major species of insect causing damage to timber in buildings in Ireland.- Common Furniture Beetle (anobium punctatum 'woodworm') is the principal cause of insect attack often found in structural timbers, roofs, doors and joists.
- House Longhorn Beetle (Hylotrupes bajulus) causes severe deterioration of the sapwood of soft wood roofing timber in parts of Ireland and is a notifiable pest.
- Death Watch Beetle (Xestobium rufovillosum) causes deterioration of structural hardwoods e.g.oak, elm and chestnut already partly decayed by wet rot. This is a pest of larger dimension timbers in old buildings.
Our experts will:
- Identify the species of woodworm insect and type of wood attacked.
- Deal with any associated fungal decay.
- Apply a pressure spray treatment on all accessible timber surfaces with Sovereign Fungicidal/Insecticidal Wood Preservative
- Re-treat all replacement timbers with Sovereign Clear F/I Wood Preservative
Damp Proofing & Timber Treatment throughout Ireland
Counties Antrim, Armagh, Carlow, Cavan, Clare, Cork, Derry, Donegal, Down, Dublin, Fermanagh, Galway, Kerry, Kildare, Kilkenny, Laois, Leitrim, Limerick, Longford, Louth, Mayo, Meath, Monaghan, Offaly, Roscommon, Sligo, Tipperary, Tyrone, Waterford, Westmeath, Wexford & Wicklow.
Contact Tirconaill Damp Proofing for an estimate for your property restoration requirements.
E: info@dampproofingireland.net
M: 087 8410230
The Haugh
Donegal Town
County Donegal
E: info@dampproofingireland.net
M: 087 8410230
The Haugh
Donegal Town
County Donegal